St Bernard’s is a Walking, Wheeling School and encourages the use of all modes of transport, particularly bicycles, buses and walking.
Car pick ups and drop offs at St Bernard’s
To ensure convenience and safety for all parents who use our car park, we have a several conventions for car park users. Please read these conventions and be sure to adhere to them when driving your child to school, visiting the school or attending Mass at our parish church.
Carpark Conventions
The speed limit in the school grounds is 5 km per hr.
Parents (entry via Klumpp Road) dropping off children or collecting them in the afternoon must proceed along the designated driveway. Cars are not to be parked or left in the designated driveway.
Children being collected by vehicle are required to wait in the area bordering the pick-up and drop- off zone. The pick-up and drop-off zone is marked, in YELLOW on the driveway in front the double gates near the shade area.
Children are not permitted to leave or enter cars until cars enter and stop in this zone.

Parents who wish to park their vehicle for a visit to the school must use the designated parking area. All parents and students are to use the pedestrian walkway when making their way to and from their vehicles or the church.
Parents who park cars when picking up children are required to leave the car, walk to the waiting area and accompany children to the car. Children are not permitted to walk to parked cars unless accompanied by an adult.
Children who walk home must use the pedestrian areas and for safety reasons are not permitted to use the exit roadway around the Church.
Those attending weekly morning Masses are requested to utilise the designated parking area.
In the case of congested traffic situations every effort will be made to assist with parking and traffic flow. The co – operation of parents with those directing traffic flow is both appreciated and expected.
Bus transportation
St Bernard’s is conveniently located close to major public transport routes and is serviced by many private bus services.
Bus Companies which service our school are:
Translink (Brisbane City Council) All Brisbane Areas 13 12 30
Mt Gravatt Coach & Travel 07 - 3808 7800
Clark’s Logan City 07 - 3200 6754